Pivot Pillar # 3

This week we’ve talked about what it takes to have a successful PIVOT. We have talked about investing in your people, establishing compliant policies to support your vision, and today we will discuss how putting those two things to work seal the deal for the successful redirection of your company.

Practices are where the rubber meets the road and an organization is able to see how well their policies work in daily operations. There are a few questions you need to answer when thinking about practicing your new policies. How do you new policies affect the way you serve your customer? Does it have a positive impact on the efficiency of the process and ensure compliance? If this new policy easy to put into practice or will it require training and revising to ensure the best outcome?

Interaction with the new and improved organizational strategies will empower employees and emphasize their importance to your collective success. Allowing employees who are subject matter experts teach classes or conduct training on new policies and procedures creates confidence in what they have taken a part in creating. Employees seeing one of their peers with such confidence will come on board faster than if an outside trainer were brought in to teach them something new. This will also allow the employees to truly assess what makes sense and what doesn’t. It allows them to fully test the theory that policies provide against current processes and gives space for innovation to fit or rethink the new policy.

How you put your new policies to work is what will show that you’ve won. The successful implementation of your new policies into practice validates the original ideal that there was a need to PIVOT in the first place. The result of your new policies put into practice should be decreased bottlenecks, increased customer satisfaction, and increased productivity. When customers, key stakeholders, and employees see the overall improvement within the organization, the trust is solidified and room is made for more improvements. The subsequent improvements will be implemented faster and with less pushback because of this previous win.

Investment. Integration. Interaction. This is a cycle that has great return on investment for any organization. If you keep this cycle growing the trust you obtain from your employees will be unmatched. Loyalty will abound and there will be waves of high morale and engaging company culture that will be felt by every person that comes in contact with the company. Investing in your employees, integrating policy to support the vision, and practiced interaction to validate the vision is always necessary for the consistent growth of an organization.

As you continue this cycle, the PIVOT will become a tool to predict trends and set proactive targets for your company to stay ahead of the game. This will give staying power and longevity to your company even in the midst of the always changing experience of society and the workplace.